Остров сокровищ
The Old Sea-dog at the Admiral Benbow
Ifollowedhimin,andIrememberobservingthecontrasttheneat,brightdoctor,withhispowderaswhiteassnowandhisbright,blackeyesandpleasantmanners,madewiththecoltishcountryfolk, andaboveall,withthatfilthy,heavy,blearedscarecrowofapirateofours,sitting,fargoneinrum,withhisarmsonthetable. Suddenlyhe—thecaptain,thatis—begantopipeuphiseternalsong:
AtfirstIhadsupposed"thedeadman’schest"tobethatidenticalbigboxofhisupstairsinthefrontroom, andthethoughthadbeenmingledinmynightmareswiththatoftheone-leggedseafaringman. Butbythistimewehadalllongceasedtopayanyparticularnoticetothesong; itwasnew,thatnight,tonobodybutDr.Livesey,andonhimIobserveditdidnotproduceanagreeableeffect, forhelookedupforamomentquiteangrilybeforehewentonwithhistalktooldTaylor,thegardener,onanewcurefortherheumatics. Inthemeantime,thecaptaingraduallybrightenedupathisownmusic,andatlastflappedhishanduponthetablebeforehiminawayweallknewtomeansilence. Thevoicesstoppedatonce,allbutDr.Livesey’s; hewentonasbeforespeakingclearandkindanddrawingbrisklyathispipebetweeneverywordortwo.
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