The Old Buccaneer
The Old Sea-dog at the Admiral Benbow
SquireTrelawney,Dr.Livesey,andtherestofthesegentlemen havingaskedmetowritedownthewholeparticularsaboutTreasureIsland, fromthebeginningtotheend,keepingnothingbackbutthebearingsoftheisland, andthatonlybecausethereisstilltreasurenotyetlifted, Itakeupmypenintheyearofgrace17 andgobacktothetimewhenmyfatherkepttheAdmiralBenbowinn andthebrownoldseamanwiththesabrecutfirsttookuphislodgingunderourroof.
Irememberhimasifitwereyesterday, ashecameploddingtotheinndoor, hissea-chestfollowingbehindhiminahand-barrow —atall,strong,heavy,nut-brownman, histarrypigtailfallingovertheshoulderofhissoiledbluecoat, hishandsraggedandscarred,withblack,brokennails, andthesabrecutacrossonecheek,adirty,lividwhite. Irememberhimlookingroundthecoverandwhistlingtohimselfashedidso, andthenbreakingoutinthatoldsea-song thathesangsooftenafterwards:
inthehigh,oldtotteringvoicethatseemedtohavebeentunedandbrokenatthecapstanbars. Thenherappedonthedoorwithabitofsticklikeahandspikethathecarried, andwhenmyfatherappeared,calledroughlyforaglassofrum. This,whenitwasbroughttohim,hedrankslowly,likeaconnoisseur,lingeringonthetaste andstilllookingabouthimatthecliffsandupatoursignboard.
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